The question from one of our members was this: "Eating makes me feel bad. Mostly I feel sleepy, sluggish, tired, lazy and can't think clearly within a half hour after I eat. Is there anything I can eat to feel alive again?"
By Frank Miller, M.D.
Eating properly should give us energy and a sense of satisfaction and well-being. Instead, most of us feel tired, sick and depressed from the energy we lose by eating deficient food. To understand how food gives us energy we must learn the importance of a group of wonder nutrients called PHOSPHATES. Phosphates are the principal sources of energy in the body. They are needed for the conversion of stored sugar to circulating blood sugar. Without phosphates we would not have the energy to breathe, digest food, or fight disease.
Phosphates also play such an important part in the metabolism of fats that we can't digest fat without them. We can't even burn fat for energy or produce body heat without phosphates. Ironically, phosphate deficiencies are commonly the result of removing fats from our food. Phosphates from EFA’s and dietary fats are necessary to maintain proper functions of the brain, nerves, skin, liver, adrenal cortex, reproductive organs, etc. etc.
Phosphates for your brain and nerves come from soft tissues of animals and from dairy products.
Be careful, though; not all dairy is created equal. Cow’s milk is so difficult to digest by human beings that it has been linked to asthma, allergies, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, and a number of other conditions.
The safest milk for babies and their developing nervous systems is mother’s milk. When this is unavailable, goat’s milk or other small mammal milk, such as sheep’s milk, is easily digested.
Infants brought up on formula or cow’s milk may need to have their body chemistry balanced with a personalized program that includes EFA’s (essential fatty acids) and therapeutic sources of phosphates to reduce their susceptibility to chronic degenerative conditions, weakened nerves and fatigue syndromes when they become adults.
The following are reliable sources of phosphates for the growth, repair, and maintenance of the nervous system:
• Certified goat’s milk
• Goat’s or sheep’s milk dairy products including cheese, butter, yogurt, etc.
• Fish oil
• Fish roe, caviar
• Organic eggs
• Organic chicken
• Organic organ meats
• Wild game
• Wild ocean fish
Vegetarians could have whole organic eggs from free-range chickens 1 to 3 times a week and wild ocean fish 1 to 3 times a month to get the phosphates they need from animal sources.
Phosphates for your bones comes from hard tissues of animals and from plant sources such as:
• Avocados
• Bone broth, joint jelly, consomme
• Bone marrow, Kosher gelatin
• Coconut
• Legumes: beans, peas, lentils
• Nut butters, raw nuts
• Rice bran, rice polish
• Ripe black olives
• Sea plants: dulse, kelp, etc.
• Seeds
• Sprouts
• Unrefined edible plant oils: cold-pressed olive oil, peanut oil, coconut oil, etc.
• Wheat bran
• Wheat germ
• Whole grains
• Yeast
What other non-toxic sources of phosphates can you think of? Share your experiences and fatigue-fighting recipes with us. Questions? Ask the doctors at Thank you and be well!
Problem-Solvers Team 4 in Columbus, Ohio has 12 Energy Salad Recipes and Five-Star Salad Dressing Recipes to share with other Problem-Solving Focus Groups