Monday, December 13, 2010


The Advisory Team Doctors of the Extreme Health Institute (EHI)


Health Basics, Frank Miller, M.D.
Simplified Anatomy and Physiology, Buchanan Burr, M.D.
Understanding Symptoms, H.L. Hunt, M.D.
Diet Therapy, H.W. Merton, M.D.
Dental Health, Charles Gates, D.D.S.
Skin Care, D.H. Morey, Dermatologist
For Women Only, Edward Warren, M.D.
For Men Only, Professor Leon Groll
Infant Care, Henry Chapin, M.D.
Child Rearing, F.J. McCormack, M.D.
First Aid, Dudley Allen, M.D.
Poisons and Their Antidotes, Charles Allen, M.D.
Vet Med, George French, D.V.M.


Editor, Frank Miller, M.D.
Editorial Advisors, P.K. Morgan, N.D. and Katrina Craft, Ph.D.
Assisted by a team of 100 leading medical authorities

E-mail your questions to the attention of one of the Advisory Team Doctors at or post
Thank you for helping us to help you!

Monday, December 6, 2010


INFOMAX your questions and problems to the Practical Living Library (PLL)
Let the Advisory Team Doctors answer your questions

Ask questions, solve problems, E-mail

Monday, November 15, 2010



The question from one of our members was this: "Eating makes me feel bad. Mostly I feel sleepy, sluggish, tired, lazy and can't think clearly within a half hour after I eat. Is there anything I can eat to feel alive again?"

By Frank Miller, M.D.

Eating properly should give us energy and a sense of satisfaction and well-being. Instead, most of us feel tired, sick and depressed from the energy we lose by eating deficient food. To understand how food gives us energy we must learn the importance of a group of wonder nutrients called PHOSPHATES. Phosphates are the principal sources of energy in the body. They are needed for the conversion of stored sugar to circulating blood sugar. Without phosphates we would not have the energy to breathe, digest food, or fight disease.

Phosphates also play such an important part in the metabolism of fats that we can't digest fat without them. We can't even burn fat for energy or produce body heat without phosphates. Ironically, phosphate deficiencies are commonly the result of removing fats from our food. Phosphates from EFA’s and dietary fats are necessary to maintain proper functions of the brain, nerves, skin, liver, adrenal cortex, reproductive organs, etc. etc.

Phosphates for your brain and nerves come from soft tissues of animals and from dairy products.

Be careful, though; not all dairy is created equal. Cow’s milk is so difficult to digest by human beings that it has been linked to asthma, allergies, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, and a number of other conditions.

The safest milk for babies and their developing nervous systems is mother’s milk. When this is unavailable, goat’s milk or other small mammal milk, such as sheep’s milk, is easily digested.

Infants brought up on formula or cow’s milk may need to have their body chemistry balanced with a personalized program that includes EFA’s (essential fatty acids) and therapeutic sources of phosphates to reduce their susceptibility to chronic degenerative conditions, weakened nerves and fatigue syndromes when they become adults.

The following are reliable sources of phosphates for the growth, repair, and maintenance of the nervous system:

• Certified goat’s milk
• Goat’s or sheep’s milk dairy products including cheese, butter, yogurt, etc.
• Fish oil
• Fish roe, caviar
• Organic eggs
• Organic chicken
• Organic organ meats
• Wild game
• Wild ocean fish

Vegetarians could have whole organic eggs from free-range chickens 1 to 3 times a week and wild ocean fish 1 to 3 times a month to get the phosphates they need from animal sources.

Phosphates for your bones comes from hard tissues of animals and from plant sources such as:

• Avocados
• Bone broth, joint jelly, consomme
• Bone marrow, Kosher gelatin
• Coconut
• Legumes: beans, peas, lentils
• Nut butters, raw nuts
• Rice bran, rice polish
• Ripe black olives
• Sea plants: dulse, kelp, etc.
• Seeds
• Sprouts
• Unrefined edible plant oils: cold-pressed olive oil, peanut oil, coconut oil, etc.
• Wheat bran
• Wheat germ
• Whole grains
• Yeast

What other non-toxic sources of phosphates can you think of? Share your experiences and fatigue-fighting recipes with us. Questions? Ask the doctors at Thank you and be well!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


By Frank Miller, M.D.

The term "halogen" comes from hals, the Greek word for salt. Halogens consist of a group of elements that are highly reactive with other elements and compounds. The halogens fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine are used as antiseptics because they are so highly toxic. Fluorine, for example, is so dangerous that gloves and face shields must be used when working with hydrofluoric acid and accidental exposure should be treated as a hospital emergency.

Halides are compounds containing a halogen. Halides are less reactive and more stable than halogens. Many halides have industrial applications only because they are not known nutrients and may deadly if ingested. Biologically useful halides such as potassium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium fluoride are necessary nutrients for our health and help to protect our bodies from infection.


We can't live without fluorine. Good fluorine, as calcium fluoride, is found in the thyroid gland and throughout the body to help the tissues resist infections. It also provides flexible strength to the tissues of the body including the skin, teeth and bones. Calcium fluoride is a necessary nutrient found in seafood. It occurs naturally in water as fluorspar.

Calcium fluoride is up to ten times more resistant to being dissolved by acid than any other form of calcium. For this reason it gives teeth strength and smoothness free from the pits and cracks that allow decay. Calcium fluoride also allows teeth to remineralize after repeated attacks of acid from eating and drinking demineralized food and water. It also protects the teeth from Streptococcus mutans the most virulent species of tooth decaying bacteria. Calcium fluoride and other calcium salts are so important to the body that the body is willing to sacrifice bone mass to keep adequate amounts of calcium circulating in the bloodstream.

Dissolved fluoride salts form ions that are about the same size as oxygen ions. Both are small enough to pass through a carbon filter but they can be destroyed or lost with the distillation of water or reverse osmosis (RO) methods of water purification. Deficiencies of fluoride ions can result in poor eyesight, frequent or chronic infections, infections of the teeth, dental caries (tooth decay), and osteoporosis.


On the other hand, the fluorine used to fluoridate municipally-treated water is extremely toxic by skin contact and breathing. Called fluorosilicic acid, sodium silicofluoride or sodium fluoride, excessive accumulation can cause fluorine poisoning (fluorosis) with acute symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and cramps, as well as chronic conditions such as severe bone changes that can make movement painful and produce hip fractures. Fluorosilicic acid can aggravate asthma and irritate the eyes, skin, nose and throat. Excessive accumulation of toxic fluorine has been linked to non-stick coatings on cookware. Fluorine poisoning is commonly the result of drinking and bathing in tap water and from the use of toothpaste and and other dental products.

Fluorine and chlorine added at water treatment sites can also speed up the body's absorption of aluminum from food additives, medicine, cosmetics, cookware, and industrial contamination.


However, the beneficial form of fluoride and the other protective minerals that occur naturally in water can stop us from absorbing many of the contaminants that are commonly in the public water supply and some bottled waters. The protective fluoride and minerals are absent from demineralized water.

In other words, the body selects minerals from food and water sources, based on what is available. For instance, if water has been treated with a toxic fluorine additive but naturally-occurring calcium fluoride was also present in the water, some protection against harmful fluorine would be provided. But if there was no helpful calcium fluoride, the harmful fluorine would be taken into the body tissues instead. The protective form of flouride can prevent you from absorbing the harmful forms.

Subscribe to the PRACTICAL LIVING LIBRARY for more information about fluoride, halogens, non-toxic cookware and food and water sources of calcium fluoride.

Friday, November 5, 2010





Friday, October 22, 2010


To our friends with allergies and gluten sensitivities:

Please post your questions about chemical sensitivities, wheat, gluten, casein or other special diet needs for Dr. Miller, Dr. Merton and the Van's Club Medical Advisory Team. Thank you.

Friday, October 15, 2010

TIME Magazine Lists Flouride as “Environmental Toxin”

April 15, 2010
TIME Magazine Lists Flouride as Environmental Toxin flouride
Flouride -a known toxin-  is currently in toothpaste
and our water supply
Mark Matheny

A report from lists among other household Items – Flouride- as an “Environmental Toxin”. The article starts out, saying:
Chemicals in plastics and other products seem harmless, but mounting evidence links them to health problems — and Washington lacks the power to protect us
Of course, activists and scientists have for years been aware of Flouride’s toxicity, but propaganda and Big Pharma have sought to keep these facts from the general public by showing flouride in a favorable light through the controlled media.
The article went on to say that “Government studies support current fluoride levels in tap water, but studies on long-term exposure and cancers are ongoing”.

What It Is: A form of the basic element fluorine
Found In: Toothpaste, tap water
Health Hazards: Neurotoxic and potentially tumorigenic if swallowed; the American Dental Association advises that children under 2 not use fluoride toothpaste
What You Should Know: Government studies support current fluoride levels in tap water, but studies on long-term exposure and cancers are ongoing
So, What are the lethal levels for humans?
As of April 7, 1997, the United States FDA (Food & Drug Administration) required that all fluoride toothpastes sold in the U.S. carry the following poison warning:
WARNING: Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately.
Potentially fatal dose = 5 mg of fluoride per kg of bodyweight.
Ingestion of fluoride can produce gastrointestinal discomfort at doses at least 15 to 20 times lower (0.2–0.3 mg/kg) than lethal doses. [7][8] A 2-year-old, for example, may experience gastrointestinal distress upon ingesting sufficient amounts of flavored toothpaste. Between 1989 and 1994, over 628 people—mostly children—were treated after ingesting too much fluoride from their toothpaste. Gastrointestinal symptoms appear to be the most common problem reported. [9]
In 1986 the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for fluoride at a concentration of 4 milligrams per litre (mg/L), which is the legal limit of natural fluoride allowed in the water. In 2006, a 12-person committee of the US National Research Council (NRC) reviewed the health risks associated with fluoride consumption[12] and unanimously concluded that the maximum contaminant level of 4 mg/L should be lowered. The EPA has yet to act on the NRC’s recommendation.[13][14] The limit was previously 1.4 – 2.4 mg/L, but it was raised to 4 mg/L in 1985.[15]
Excessive flouride consumption in studies has been shown to be the culprit in the following;
  • A weakening of bones, leading to an increase in hip and wrist fracture
  • Adverse effects on the kidneys
  • possible liver damage
  • Chromosomal damage and interference with DNA repair
  • a correlation between increased fluoride and low IQ
  • suppressive effects on the thyroid
While it is refreshing to see the truth about flouride being published in the mainstream media, it is disappointing to see, that when most people are told about the devastating effects of flouride in our drinking water, toothpaste, and other household items – they ignore the facts, or even categorize these facts as just another “Conspiracy theory”.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

REDOUX Your Favorite Recipes

Learn to prepare family recipes or favorite traditional dishes without allergens or artificial ingredients. 

Have you overcome life-threatening allergies with a change of diet? 

Are you a formerly misunderstood ADHD sufferer with a success story? 

Have you recovered from debilitating depression by making a food-mood connection?

If you have overcome a handicap and been restored to a life worth living after a change in diet please share your stories, videos, and recipes with us. 

If you are just beginning to make the connection between food and your moods, mental clarity, aches, pains or symptoms, then we're here to help you.

Start a Problem-Solving focus group in your area for gluten sensitivity, chemical sensitivity or any problem. E-mail us with your questions or problems.
Please send us your favorite recipes for a makeover.